DropPanel PierVoid Tapered

DropPanel PierVoid Tapered

VoidForm, Inc.

Quick Overview

    1. Function: Properly creates void space around the upper portion of the drilled pier at its intersection with the drop panel, and actually forms the thickened slab area, the perimeter of which is tapered.

    2. Description: Rectangular, pre-manufactured, non-field-cut, sealed carton void form, secured with glue (with or without staples), having a curved, radial, vertically-supported edge adjacent to the drilled pier that conforms to the pier diameter, as well as tapered risers around the perimeter that form the drop panel.

    3. Composition:

      a. Exterior: Corrugated paper with a moisture-resistant outer surface.

      b. Interior: Corrugated paper configured in a uniform, cellular configuration.

    4. Strength: Capable of sustaining specified vertical loads until they become self-supporting, while maintaining full void depth as indicated on the drawings or as recommended by the manufacturer.

    5. Installation: Install in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Protect the carton void forms from moisture and damage prior to concrete placement.
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Additional Information

Manufacturer: VoidForm, Inc.
For More Information on the DropPanel PierVoid Tapered, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site

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